Monday, October 13, 2008

My silly girl...

Autumn surprises me and makes me laugh constantly these days. Here she is ready for church yesterday, complete with red shoes and black satin purse:

Here she is rocking her baby doll to sleep. She tried to get that baby to sleep for probably 20 minutes, wrapping her up and rocking and snuggling. She only poked her in the eyes two or three times :)

And here is early video evidence that she may have OCD (at least that's what Joey says). She loves to clean! She cleaned her slide forever this evening. Notice how she takes her paper towel and dips it in the rain water that had collected in the cutouts on the side and then cleaned some more. I hope she likes to clean this much in a few years!


T.J. Freeman Jr. said...

WOW, I think she is even taller than when I saw her a couple weeks ago! Cuter too, if that is possible... :) The cleaning video is priceless! Does she travel? I have some clothes that need folding if she's interested... I can pay in macaroni and cheese and/or hot dogs if she's available!!

Holly Chitwood said...

Sorry, T.J., she only likes to UNfold clothes, over and over and over. She does do windows though :)